The Art Department classes Oly has to offer

An AP art project created by Mayo Rasmussen.

The year has flown, and it’s time for students at Olympia High School to choose their new classes for 2023-2024. Many creative arts, music, and theatrical courses await students’ registration. 


When asked why it’s essential to encourage students to take art, Josh Everson, head of the art department and teacher, noted, “[Art] teaches life skills such as problem-solving like working with material students have never used before.” Everson got into teaching the subject to be there to “support and validate students and their artistic interests.” 


Mayo Rasmussen, a senior and art student at Olympia High School, takes two different art classes. Pottery and AP Studio Art Portfolio. When asked why Rasmussen enjoys taking these art classes, they mentioned, “Pottery has given me the tools to make things I didn’t know I could make” and that it was “fun working with 3D material.”  


In the AP Art Portfolio class, the course  “lets me express myself; I work with a teacher that cares about my success on a test, and being in the AP art class allows me to participate in contests that help me further myself financially as well as college and resume work.” 


The AP art test is unlike a routine examination with questions and answers. Instead, students submit a portfolio with a “sustained investigation,” meaning the student will come up with a theme and question they want to answer through their artwork. When asked why taking these classes is essential to Rasmussen, they noted that it gives me a creative outlet throughout the day to express myself in a classroom environment.” 


Shriya Prasanna is a senior at Olympia High School and participates in Chamber Choir, Orchestra, and Symphonic Choir. “I’ve been in Orchestra since freshman year, but I joined Symphonic and Chamber Choir this year, in senior year.” When asked why she enjoys taking the music classes she does, Prasanna noted: “I enjoy symphonic choir because it is an accessible way to make music, and I would recommend it to anyone interested in getting involved in music at Oly. Mr. Schwartz makes the class an interesting and social experience.” Since Prasanna takes three different music classes, that does come with struggles. “The most challenging thing about taking three art classes is being able to practice everything… it’s hard to practice all my music with many competitions and auditions.” 


Prasanna plans on being a vocal performance major in college with a concentration in opera singing which is why taking these classes is essential to her. Prasanna noted why she loves taking the class she does. “Learning music in other ways is essential for singers as it strengthens theory knowledge emphasized in singing instruction. In addition, I truly enjoy making music in an ensemble because it is the most social and emotional experience you can have with your peers and your choir/band/orchestra director!”


Class Showcase will be held Friday, March 17th during Bear Time. This showcase is to allow students to visit teachers’ classes that they are interested in taking next year.

Showcase/Registration Night will be Wednesday, March 15th- This is for students, parents, and guardians.