Club Feature: Robotics Club

Cole Hamilton

Members of the robotics club work on a project.

Robotics Club is a great chance for interested students to work on improving their skills in engineering and problem-solving. The club meets after school on Tuesdays and Fridays in room 701 and is open to new members.

According to Orion Hoppe, a team leader, it’s possible for anyone to be in the club with no prior experience as long as they are willing to listen, learn and work as a team.

Hoppe also noted that Robotics Club can help members improve skills in programming, design, and teamwork, which they emphasized as their favorite aspect of the club. Along with this, many colleges offer scholarships for participating in robotics clubs and competitions.

In that vein, the robotics club participates in many events, such as STEM outreach activities and competitions. These offer participating students experience with teamwork and problem solving, including the First Robotics Competition, which can provide participating students scholarship opportunities.

Overall, the club’s community was described as supportive and generally chill, and interested students can and should check it out.