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Student news of Olympia High School

The Olympus

Student news of Olympia High School

The Olympus

Student news of Olympia High School

The Olympus

Ellie Cruz

Ellie Cruz, Journalist

Ellie is a freshman at OHS and a journalist for The Olympus. She is in Earth Corps and enjoys art, nature, and kayaking. Her favorite music artist is Taylor Swift and she hopes to one day go into the Environmental Science field.

All content by Ellie Cruz
Group photo of the FRC robotics team at the world championships.

Robotics goes to worlds!

All the way in Houston, Texas the robotics FRC team of students from Olympia High School, Capital, and...

Horoscopes for the week of March 20th-March 26th

Horoscopes for the week of March 20th-March 26th

Pisces (Feb 20- Mar 20) - A fantastic new career might come your way! Whether it be a job promotion or...

A preschool student reads a book to his ECE buddies.

3 Careers to explore at OHS: marketing, foods, and early childhood education

CTE: Career and Technical Education Courses open up the door of opportunities for all students as they...

A world map that can be viewed in the 300s hallway,  featuring the world language classrooms.

[Photo] Explore the world language department at OHS

A world map that can be viewed in the 300s hallway, featuring the world language classrooms.

The message of FamOLY captured through a poster in the 300's hallway.

FamOLY: How OHS defines family

As of Fall 2022, only 39% of students at OHS feel like they are valued members of our community, meaning...

River Ridge Hawks are about to score a point on the Oly basket.

[Photo] Oly’s Unified basketball team dominates latest match

River Ridge Hawks are about to score a point on the Oly basket.

River Ridge Hawks are about to score a point on the Oly basket.

Oly’s Unified basketball team dominates latest match

On Wednesday, February 1st, OHS’ Unified basketball team played the Riverridge Hawks in a game that...

Mr. Schaefer's class poses with the 'big can' after winning the daily 'cans per student' total.

Oly CAN do it! Schaefer & McNamara win Canned Food Drive

During this year’s canned food drive, OHS has exceeded their lofty goal and brought in 136,100 cans--...

First periods at OHS are all vying for top spot in the food drive bracket.

First periods at OHS are all vying for top spot in the food drive bracket.

Dazzling and unique gifts displayed at Black Lotus

Businesses brought their best game at Bearzaar

On Saturday, Nov. 19, Bearzaar-an opportunity to buy handmade goods from a variety of small businesses-was...

The cozy environment of the boutique provides for a great view of the various displays.

Get out there and shop local!

Small businesses provide a strong sense of community. In this age of internet shopping and mass production,...

Art Club members work hard during Bear Time to add the finishing tough on pieces

Club feature: Art Club

There is an abundance of creative students at Olympia High School, many of who call the Art Club home.  Held...

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Student news of Olympia High School