Rhythms Cafe: coffee and music

Rhythms Cafe is a perfect fit for downtown Olympia

Faye Hervieux

The outside of Rhythms Coffee in downtown Olympia.

Downtown Olympia welcomes a new cafe that provides a creative space for musical artists, poets, and more with an open mic on Mondays. The cafe is a cozy and aesthetically pleasing environment featuring coffee, tea, and food.

Artists and musicians are discovering this downtown treasure. According to David Durbin, owner of Rhythms Cafe, downtown Olympia was in need of a new place for artists to gravitate toward. Durbin states “Downtown is crawling with artists… and I want to encourage youth to come.”

When you order tea, coffee, or even a Bread Peddler pastry at Rhythms, you are met with kind service that invites you to stay longer in this open airy cafe.

This cafe is decorated with music posters, records, and photography which makes it a well-lit, cozy space. Once the night arrives the cafe is transformed into a music venue, packed with people who love art and music.

Rhythms Cafe is a comfortable place for people to meet up, study with one another or enjoy performances. This cafe opened this summer on August 10th. Rhythms is open every day for lengthy hours. They have performances scheduled about three times a week along with a weekly open mic on Mondays at 7:00. People can sign up beforehand and then perform their various talents.

They also have a monthly poetry night. On the second Tuesday of every month, poets come and share.

It is a great opportunity for high school students who have musical talent and want a no-judgment zone to perform their talents. To say that Rhythms is a good addition to downtown is an understatement.