Horoscopes for the week of January 16-January 22

Capricorn (Dec 21- Jan 21)- If you put your mind to it you may be financially successful this week. You might also hit it off with a family member you may not talk to very often.


Aquarius (Jan 21- Feb 19)- Your relationships are going to strengthen, possibly with someone you may not expect. You are also going to get much closer to those you care about. 


Pisces (Feb 20- Mar 20)- You may gain more confidence in yourself this week, you are going to have more pride in what you do and say, but still be conscious of your words and actions. 


Aries (Mar 21- Apr 19)- You are going to find a way to weave through or solve some problems you’ve had for a long time. You will feel a surge of energy and freedom as you get through it, be sure to enjoy it!


Taurus (Apr 20- May 20)- You will have the opportunity to make up with someone you’ve offended. Be generous, and you will be rewarded for it.


Gemini (May 21- Jun 20)- Soon, you will have to make a decision between stability and risk. There is no right choice, but either one will significantly affect your life.


Cancer (June 21- Jul 22)- Take some time to celebrate a recent achievement. Enjoy that moment but also, take time to think about some of your other past achievements and think about whether or not you’re proud of them.


Leo (July 23- Aug 22)-  Sit with your thoughts for a moment and reflect. Think about something that’s been burdening you, and decide whether or not to let it go. 


Virgo (Aug 23- Sep 22)- The concept of stability has never been boring to you, and it’s sometimes hard for you to abandon that for what others call a great adventure. This week step out of your comfort zone to try something new and exciting. 


Libra (Sep 23- Oct 22)- New friction may be rising for you this week. Maybe a new friend. Maybe even a new love interest? Think about this week and who you might find a connection with. 


Scorpio (Oct 23- Nov 21)- This week might be tough, you may feel like you can’t access your enthusiasm and empathy. When things get hard try to enjoy the pleasures of life. 


Sagittarius (Nov 22- Dec 21)- Share a laugh this week with your best buds! Embrace these moments. You may find life is better spending time with your friends.