Oppenheimer follows the story of J. Robert Oppenheimer, played by Cillian Murphy, “The Father of the Atomic Bomb” as he works on The Manhattan Project, the production of the first atomic bomb. The Manhattan project gathered hundreds of scientists and physicists to manufacture the first atomic bomb from 1942 to 1947. The movie takes place in WW2 when Nazis and communism were on the rise and the U.S. was worried about their advancement of weapons.
Oppenheimer is revealed to have intimate relations with a communist, leading to accusations of his disloyalty to his country. Later on, he marries an ex-communist and the stress of his work begins to catch up to him and those around him.
This movie is not just about the production of the atomic bomb, but also follows Oppenheimer as he goes on trial after being accused of being a communist and Soviet spy throughout constructing and leading the Manhattan Project. Oppenheimer gathered scientists and physicists to work together, who later attest and testify whether he is a Soviet spy or not. The end of the film reveals Oppenheimer’s emotional turmoil and guilt about the deaths caused by the atomic bomb.
This 10/10 movie doesn’t require a history buff watcher to enjoy it. Director Christopher Nolan does a fantastic job experimenting with the timeline and manages to capture the audience’s attention with a seemingly boring topic. This movie is a must see for anyone and everyone. Its fantastic cast includes Cillian Murphy, Matt Damon, Robert Downy Jr, Florence Pugh, Emily Blunt, and many more. With a total of 93% on rotten tomatoes, you should definitely check it out and make sure to have a popcorn bucket nearby.
George Baumley – Sep 21, 2023 at 1:28 pm
A pretty awesome review that captured quite well that the movie was about much more than just building an Atomic bomb. The emotional turmoil took its toll as expressed by this reviewer. She convinced me to go see the film. Well done young lady.