Club Feature: Anime Club

Image by Charleston County Public Library

Steven Liu, Journalist

A welcoming community, a peaceful atmosphere, and engaging activities. Anime club is a wonderful representation of all of these. Their members love this club since it’s a simple and nice place to hang out.


The club is located in room 205 and it’s held during Bear Time B and occasionally Bear Time A. Depending on the day there could be 15 or 30 students in the club. The club was initially about drawing anime and bringing characters alive from their favorite manga. Now it’s about coming together to watch some anime, hang out, play Kahoot, and share things. 


Sandra Hale, club advisor, likes how this club has evolved over the past four years. Beyond being the club advisor, she enjoys interacting with students and listening to their anime suggestions. When asked if she liked anime she responded, “I do like it! I can’t keep up with the anime watching that the kids do.” Anime is a very vast and diverse community.


With new club leaders come changes to Anime Club. North Berebitsky, one of the new club leaders, brings a different approach to the anime club. Instead of it being a club to talk about or draw anime. Anime Club is about hanging out with friends and people with like minds. “So people who enjoy that, it’s a place where they can come watch anime, hang out, safe place for people.”


One of the club members, Jesse Niva, enjoys Anime Club and thinks it’s a great place. “I get to talk to people who love anime. I get to make new friends. I get to get together with them. I get to have fun.” 


People who love anime should join the Anime Club to meet new people who love anime or come just to hang out and watch anime. There is no commitment in this club so members can choose to leave and join as they wish. If you love anime, come to Anime Club.