Buzzing for XC state
On a cool and rainy November afternoon on to way to State in Pasco, team captains Danny Pree and Owen Windrope suggest buzzing everyones’ heads. Soon after the boys arrive at Pasco and get down to business. The shaved heads spark a schoolwide conversation and inspire many back home to follow suit.
The buzzing occurred very quickly with Cooper Brown, an alternate for State, saying “I put the keys down, and then they started shaving heads, I was distracted.” The first to go, keeping his promise was Sam Schilter. Everyone agrees he got one of the better buzz cuts. Danny, one of the team captains’ methods of cutting hair is quite chaotic. He ended up finishing Sam’s haircut in an impressive three minutes. His style is best summed up by Gabe Schilter: it’s like “Making broad sweeping strokes with a lawnmower.”
All of this noise attracts the attention of the girls’ team and evidently is quite entertaining. There were looks of horror and surprise on Abbey the Girls’ team captain’s face. While Sam Christy, the fastest girl on the team, was in strong support. Throughout the whole affair, laughter and high spirits dominated the evening and the prison-like haircuts.
Sam Christy when she was watching the cuts, agreed that the girls will buzz their hair at the end of track season. which coincides with her positive view of the guys’ buzzing their hair is that “It’s brilliant, an act of genius even.”
On the contrary end of Sam, there is Caden. He takes a very relatable view of the whole affair, saying that “Everyone here’s an idiot.”
When it comes to the other team captain’s, turn everyone is quite excited, with Owen having the second-longest hair on the team. However, before he goes into the bathroom, now hair-cutting room, he remarks in jest about his girlfriend, “Sophie’s going to love this right?”. Sophie did.
Silas a recently single young man had no so such qualms and dived right into it, braving the consequences. Partway through the haircut, Silas gains a mullet which Colin says “Looks like a piece of toothpaste.” Logan was one of the last who got his hair cut. Because Sadie, and Silas were trying to sway him either way. However, after dinner, he decided to go for it.
Nearly everyone has gotten their hair buzzed on the boys’ team. The goal was to get coach Jesse Stevick to shave his head. Sadly, Stevick did not run fast enough for him to comply.

Miles is the co-editor-in-chief of Olympus and the co-lead designer of Ursa. He is also a designer for the Olympus. In addition, he runs varsity cross...
Lucy Clinton – May 19, 2023 at 9:18 am
I highly enjoyed reading this, I think that Sam and Caden deserve awards for their contributions