The best way to get involved in the community: volunteer

via Key Club and Feminism Club’s instagram

OHS students bonding through community service last school year

In our community, it is important to connect with those around you, which may be accomplished in the form of volunteer work for local organizations.

When asked about the importance of young adults volunteering in the community, Peter Epperson, a community involvement coordinator for Catholic Community Services, stated “volunteering is fun, educational, and rewarding. Making a difference in your community builds strength and resilience for everyone’s benefit.”

Epperson went on to explain how volunteering brings people together and strengthens our community. “Making a difference in the lives of others or in the health of our environment is a tangible way to make our community more equitable, accessible, and better,” he added.

In addition to the positive effect public service has on the community, volunteers experience an impact of great extent on their own. Holly Wetzel, a representative of the Thurston County Crisis Clinic, noted “the amount of personal growth you go through as a volunteer at any organization is incredible. Your perspective on life changes as you see, hear, and learn how others in our community are living their day-to-day lives.”

“Community volunteers are the backbone of every organization such as the Crisis Clinic,” commented Wetzel, “without them, we wouldn’t be able to provide the services we do.”

Many programs around Thurston County are available to high school students in the area. Another fantastic public service organization is the Senior Services for South Sound organization which, according to their website, focuses on “improving the quality of life for people as they age.”

Volunteer program manager Theresa Ziniewicz discussed how a major way for students to get involved is through the annual fundraising events hosted by the non-profit. Ziniewicz also stated an outcome could be “to get job experience and references for the career you want,” and that the offered programs “broadens [your] social network, [and] enhances mental well-being.” Moreover, it gives volunteers a sense of purpose and direction.

Volunteer work in the community is mostly spread through word of mouth, such as through “teachers, employers, organizations and faith-based communities,” Epperson noted.

Ziniewicz also agrees “it’s great that schools connect with the Key Club program and encourage students to volunteer outside of their comfort zones and open up future opportunities.” School programs and encouragement from the staff at places like Olympia High School are great ways to get started with volunteer work and public service. If looking for a way to contribute to your community, the links provided below could be the perfect beginning for you as a volunteer.


(Teen/Youth Hotline: 360-586-2777)