♓ Pisces: February 19–March 20
It’s a beautiful week to spend time outdoors! You’ve spent too much time inside lately, go out and breathe in the fresh air, enjoy nature to its fullest!
♈ Aries, March 21–April 19
Be weary of who you pick fights with this week. Stay one step ahead and watch your back at all times. You never know what could be lurking in the shadows.
♉ Taurus, April 20–May 20
Don’t allow yourself to accept less than what you deserve. Go after what you need and don’t be afraid to use your whole chest to ask for it.
♊ Gemini: May 21–June 21
Someone close to you is not reciprocating your energy. Find them and confront them about why, the answer may surprise you.
♋ Cancer: June 22–July 22
Take time this week to remind yourself of the little things that bring you joy. Listen to your favorite album, make yourself your favorite meal, enjoy life to its fullest!
♌ Leo : July 23–August 22
Sometimes good people do bad things. Unfortunately, this week that person is you. But that’s ok, mistakes happen, just apologise and it will all work out.
♍ Virgo: August 23–September 22
Right now, it may seem like the whole universe is out to get you. And it is. Take extra caution this week in all that you do. Look all ways when crossing the street, even up.
♎ Libra: September 23–October 23
Keep your arms and heart open and ready to receive all the love being sent our way, you need it. Allow yourself to love and be loved this week.
♏ Scorpi0: October 24–November 21
This week, feel confident in the decisions you’ll have to make. Be sure that you’re making the right ones and make sure to spend extra care contemplating each one.
♐ Sagittarius : November 22–December 21
Nothing this week is more important than your own peace. Protect it. Don’t engage in situations that will leave your psyche in disarray.
♑ Capricorn: December 22–January 19
Embrace all the change coming your way, it may seem scary or like too much too fast, but it is all in your best interest. Go with the flow!
♒ Aquarius : January 20–February 18
Luck is quick on your heels this week. It will follow you everywhere you go. This is the week to be bold and take the risks you wouldn’t normally take!